Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chemist Chemistry Tutoring

Chemist Chemistry TutoringChemistry tutoring is a task that can be done from any time to any place, so no matter what sort of schedule you are on you can attend one. It can also be done at night and you can leave at a time that you are flexible about.The most important thing to remember is that most chemistry tutoring needs an agreement that both parties are willing to honor the agreement that is made. All in all, anyone that is looking for tutoring should know what the tutors look for when they are studying and taking tests, since this is a huge part of how your test will be scored. Most of these tutors work very hard and do a great job, but if there is something that they are not comfortable with, you can tell them to change it to get the job done correctly.There are online chemical tutorials available as well as books that you can purchase to get a grasp of how to prepare for the test. One of the most helpful books is a study guide, which is a single volume of materials that allow s you to review various concepts that you may not have seen. Since you need a reliable tutor, you should never get someone who has just graduated from college, since he or she will not be able to take the testing material seriously. You should also make sure that the tutor has taken tests before and has knowledge on the topics that you are dealing with.When you are getting your Physics tutoring, there are also many options for getting tutoring. Some colleges offer tutoring in the Physics department or in physics alone, while others are great about giving physics tutoring for any students who want it. You should also make sure that you meet all requirements that are required in order to become eligible for Physics. If you are a mathematics major, you will be more than glad to get help from tutors that have some math background.There are tutors in each of the different disciplines that are needed. Students need Chemistry tutoring because their classwork will include studying the chemi cal reactions that will help build the chemical products that are used in making the food we eat everyday. Students need Physics tutoring because their classes will include working with elements and atoms and studying the way in which the Earth spins around the sun.Students also need tutors in the Arts Department so that they can read and learn better and they can also be taught how to apply their knowledge to other subjects in the classroom. The tutors can be college students, friends or even teachers at home that will give you a helping hand so that you can continue your studies without feeling pressured.A good Chemistry tutor will give you a better score on your exam because he or she knows how to handle the subject matter well. Some tutors have degrees in the area of Chemistry or Physics and there are tutors who specialize in their specific field.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Storytelling at the World Bank

Storytelling at the World Bank Many ESL teachers feel that argumentation skills are essential for academic and workplace success. Essay-writing remains at the heart of every college ESL course and Business English course. There are good reasons to question the over-emphasis on 5-paragraph essay writing  and to reintroduce narrative writing into English Second Language courses. In Storytelling in Organizations, Stephen Denning (2005) tells how he was tasked with the job of transforming the World Bank from a lender to a world leader in Knowledge Management. He met a lot of resistance to change and saw 5 years of work about to be undone by adverse opinion. Report after report, presentation after presentation led to fewer and fewer people understanding Knowledge Management and it was becoming fashionable to criticize it at the watercooler. Nobody, it seemed, was persuaded by his well-supported arguments, charts, graphs, and bullet points for compiling the World Bank’s considerable economic development knowledge and sharing it with stakeholders. In a last-ditch effort, Denning decided to try a new strategy at a lunchtime meeting for vice-presidents in 1999. He told the Madagascar Story. Madagascar had wanted to implement a Good and Services Tax and needed to know whether to include medicine in the tax, so Madagascar asked the World Bank for its official position. That just set off a storm of controversy within the organization. The new Knowledge Management protocol that Denning was proposing called for an email to branch offices and universities in order to compile experiences with the question of GST on medicine around the globe. Amongst all the furor about the official position back at head office, an email was sent out to branch offices and experts around the world. Shortly after, the replies that came back indicated that in most cases excluding medicine from the GST worked best. Those stories were compiled and sent to Madagascar. Meanwhile, head-office was still deep in a debate about what to tell Madagascar was the World Bank’s official position, but Madagascar had the answer it needed. The stories of the GST experwritingiments in their individual contexts ar ound the world allowed Madagascar to decide for itself what to do without having to be told the World Bank’s official opinion. The Madagascar Story gave the vice-presidents at the lunchtime meeting the success story they needed to get behind Knowledge Management. They went back to their various departments, repeated the story, and the negative talk stopped. A single narrative had achieved what years of argument had failed to do. Please follow and like us:

Is it really Impossible (Or Just Hard) to Eat Healthy in College

Is it really Impossible (Or Just Hard) to Eat Healthy in College Photo by billward via How? How can eating pizza for four straight days hurt me academically? you ask. Well, let me tell you that while your stomach might be full, your body is not receiving any of the vitamins and nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy and balanced immune system. And when the kid next to you in baby bio sneezes, you are going to get that cold and suffer through that cold and most likely miss classes. With luck, that week you wont have any test or projects due. Without luck, the semester can get out of hand quickly. We have all been there. Dont let that semester get out of hand. You can actually save yourself the trouble of illness, bad grades, and extra hours at the gym by organizing yourself. Start with these three steps: Go to the supermarket Well, duh! you think. Hold on! Go to the supermarket with a shopping list. This doesnt mean that you need to know what you are going to eat every single day of the week. I, personally, have no remote idea of what I will want to eat on Thursday of next week, I simply list things that can be used for a variety of meals in different ways. My list this week: chicken breasts, deli ham, deli turkey, whole wheat bread, green peppers, red peppers, onions, celery,  spring mix salad, cilantro, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, edamame, apples, peaches, bananas, and oranges. Plan ahead The night before prepare what you are going to have for lunch and even dinner. This way you wont rush in and eat the bag of Doritos sitting on top of the fridge only because it was the fastest thing you could get into your hollow stomach. I know you are going to think you dont have timeyou will. I was the first to be put up 100 different arguments. Honestly, this is just about getting used to a routine and not being lazy. The first week it will be annoying, the second week you are going to be less-annoyed, afterwards though, it weaves itself into your day-to-day living. Anyways, you are not supposed to be Bobby Flay or Julia Child, all you are going to be doing is pulling up any  recipe that sounds appetizing to you and following some instructions. You decide based on how much time you have. Photo by Chiara1001 via The best and easiest way is to download an app on your phone or on your iPad. My favorite one is  Digital Recipe Sidekick. There are hundreds out there though, so search away and find your new best friend. Pack your lunch/dinner If you will be out of your home for lunch or dinner, take it with you! I am serious! There are some cool non-lunchbox-looking-lunchboxes at Target that you can get to carry your lunch with you. This way you will never go hungry, you will save money, and you will be eating the right food. You can pack snacks like apples, crackers, etc. Take everything you might want to eat. Eating is good for you. The problem is eating once a day, eating unhealthy food, or not eating at all. Obviously, I am no doctor, but I am a senior in college student, so where I lack expertise, I have in another. I know that eating out gets too expensive. I know that not planning ahead leads to not eating at all or eating unhealthy food. I know that grades could be affected because of so. And I now know that it is completely possible to eat healthy while in college. All you need is a little organization and a lot of motivation!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Got Happy Students Request Reviews From Them!

Got Happy Students Request Reviews From Them! On Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 TutorZ rolled out a feature that empowers tutors to request reviews and ratings from students who have been tutored by them. Ratings and reviews boost the credibility of your tutoring profile and influences your prospective students to select you over other competing tutors. How do you request a review from the student? The short answer is by simply clicking the red Request a Review button of the student you have been tutoring. A more detailed answer is given as an example below. Tutor Dirk Wagner has been tutoring the PHP programming language to student Leah F. in Carmarillo, CA. Asking Leah to give a review about Dirk executes the following steps: 1. Dirk logs into his TutorZ account at 2. On his accounts dashboard Dirk clicks on the link labeled inbox to view all tutoring jobs. 3. Having found Leahs tutoring job on the list, Dirk opens the detailed view. The picture below shows this detailed view. 4. To ask Leah to provide a review, Dirk clicks on the red Request a Review button. The following snippet appears on Dirks detailed job view: At this point Dirk has the chance to personalize his email to Leah.  Dirk might need to change the name of the student when parents are involved.  Or perhaps the subject different when for example Dirk ended up tutoring HTML5 instead of PHP.  In any case, to edit the email Dirk simply moves his mouse into the subject, message or thank you fields, updates the text according to his preferences and finishes his work by clicking Send Request. Dirk has completed his work. The ball is now in Leahs court to provide the requested review. What happens on Leahs end is the following: she has received an email message from TutorZ asking her to give Dirk a review. The next picture displays this email message. If Leah is willing to follow up on Dirks request she clicks on the Review Dirk button found in the body of the email. This click would re-direct Leah to TutorZ review page and is shown in this picture below. This review page contains a text area where Leah enters the review about Dirk. In addition, Leah can also rate Dirk using the standard 5-star rating system. Lets say Leah thinks Dirk deserves 4 stars for his tutoring work.  She accomplishes a 4 star rating by hovering her mouse over the 4th star and presses the left mouse button. As her final step Leah clicks the Submit Review button on the bottom of the page. Now Leahs review appears on tutor Dirks profile page. Because Dirk will be delighted to know he has received a new review the TutorZ system sends a notification email to Dirks email account. This completes the process of initiating and providing ratings and reviews on a tutors request.

6 Dream Jobs That Require You Know a Second Language

6 Dream Jobs That Require You Know a Second Language 6 Dream Jobs That Require You Know a Second Language You remember when you were young and dreamed big.Now those elusive dream jobs loom haughtily in the distance and seem further away than theyve ever been.They taunt you as you stock shelves, file paperwork or repeat for the 5,000th time that there are no returns on used underwear.But theres one way to turn your dreams into a reality: learn a second language.Yes, there are plenty of great  jobs for people who know a foreign language. There are  jobs that require German, jobs that require French,  jobs that require Spanish  and jobs that require a number of other languages.If youre job-hunting, chances are strong that theres a recruiter out there who would love to spot your  resume or CV shining like a glowing beacon of hope in a pile of monolinguals.Whether youre looking for full-time work or a way to  make money on the side, theres no shortage of  jobs for language majors  or anyone fluent in more than one language.While dream jobs might be a little harder to land, knowing an extra la nguage can still give you a leg up! How Do Second Language Learners Fare in the Workforce?Apart from having their first pick of jobs that require a second language, being bilingual has other advantages out in the field.Theres an increasing demand for bilingual workers. New American Economy reports that demand for bilingual workers more than doubled between 2010 and 2015. Thats a lot of new jobs that need qualified bilingual (or multilingual) candidates!According to the Chicago Tribune, foreign-language careers are on the rise in a number of different fields. These fields include finance, healthcare, social services, information technology and more, so learning a second language can increase your employability in almost any field you can imagine.Additionally, bilingual workers often earn more than their monolingual counterparts. AOL Finance reports that bilingual workers earn between 5% and 20% more than the base rate per hour. That means a position that would ordinarily pay $12 pe r hour might pay bilingual workers $12.60 to $14.40 per hour. Over time, that extra pay can really add up!6 Dream Jobs That Require You Know a Second LanguageNot every job offers excitement, intrigue and a vehicle to use your language skills, but each of these dream jobs packs all that into one thrilling career path. Living your dream is nice; getting paid to live your dream is even better.International Sales ManagerIf youre outgoing, persuasive and multilingual, a career in international sales might be your ticket to happiness.In any sector that produces goods, youre likely to find international sales positions. Many international sales positions focus on B2B sales, which means business to business. Businesses often sell their products to other businesses, and while these negotiations are often considered more complex, they can also be tremendously satisfying for a skilled negotiator. Plus, they often pay more due to the perceived difficulty.International sales positions may requir e traveling abroad or negotiating from a local office. Regardless of where you work, international sales positions often require language skills and enough cultural competency to avoid offending.To pursue a career in international sales, its helpful to have a bachelors degree in business administration and/or experience in sales. Speaking one or more world languages is also important, particularly for specialized fields with strong regional ties.For instance, if you want to go into ginseng sales, youll undoubtedly need to know Chinese. In general, Chinese is useful for anyone looking to go into international sales since China is a huge market with a lot of spending power.While salaries can vary wildly, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that sales managers make a median salary of $117,960 per year.Study Abroad CoordinatorIf youre passionate about the educational power of travel, a job as a study abroad coordinator might make your heart soar.These coordinators serve as a universi tys go-to person for study abroad opportunities. As such, they promote study abroad programs, provide students with information, consult with students on how the study abroad opportunity fits into their education, prepare students for travel and monitor international safety issues. They also handle administrative tasks associated with study abroad programs.Study abroad coordinators are usually expected to have traveled abroad themselves. In addition to language skills, they may often have masters or doctoral degrees in related fields like business administration and/or student affairs.The most useful languages to speak are from countries that are likely to host study abroad programs. Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Chinese are some of the most frequently spoken languages in study abroad programs, so learning any of these languages will be useful.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for postsecondary education administrators is $90,760, though this varies based on rank, region and school.Foreign Service OfficerIf you want to use your language skills while representing your country abroad, a career as a foreign service officer might be right up your alley.Foreign service officers serve as representatives of their home nation in countries throughout the world. Depending on their career track, they might help Americans abroad, protect American borders, work to negotiate with foreign governments, manage embassy operations, promote mutual understanding and more. If youre U.S. based, you can find more information on foreign service career tracks from the U.S. Department of State.Skill and experience requirement vary by position, but due to the international nature of the positions, language skills are always useful. Since foreign service officers are stationed all over the world, any language may be useful. Widely spoken languages like Chinese, Spanish, French and Arabic will provide you with more flexibility, though learning an uncommon language can set you apart from other candidates.Pay scales vary based on position and location.International Development Program OfficerIf you love helping people, a job in international development might float your proverbial boat.International development jobs focus on helping communities across the world. This may involve addressing issues like health, clean water, economic development, energy, the environment and more.Both governmental and non-governmental organizations employ program officers to oversee international development programs.Technical-oriented positions may require exceptional technical expertise, while other positions require more administrative skills. Since international development workers often work abroad, its important that they have enough language skills to interact with locals. Other relevant areas of study might include healthcare, economics and international development.Devex provides job listing in the international development field that you apply for or use to plot your career path.The language skills you need are based largely on what region youll focus on. Since Spanish and French are spoken in many countries around the world (if not as a first language, as a common second language), these are particularly useful. Learning a more specific regional language can help provide additional direction for your career path.Foreign CorrespondentWhile journalism jobs are on the decline, foreign language speakers with a passion for sharing the most pertinent world stories might still seek out an exciting career as a foreign correspondent.International journalists and foreign correspondents travel throughout the world to cover breaking news stories. Theyre often in the field for major disasters, including extreme weather and armed conflict. This makes it an appealing career for adrenaline junkies.Knowing additional languages is a valuable skill for foreign correspondents since it allows them to interview people in their nativ e languages. Additionally, those seeking these jobs usually need a minimum of a bachelors degree. Journalism and communication are popular majors, though journalists covering more specialized fields may benefit from studying political science, economics and/or law.The languages most in demand depend on what region youre covering and where news is happening. Since international correspondents often focus on conflict regions, learning the languages of these regions is particularly useful.For instance, since much news coverage focuses on the Middle East, Russia and North Korea, languages that are currently useful include Arabic, Russian and Korean. The news is constantly changing, though, so this can turn on a dime.Intelligence OperativeEveryones seen a spy movie.While all the gadgets and glamour might not be real, intelligence positions remain a legitimate option for avid linguaphiles.Being an intelligence operative doesnt necessarily involve sneaking into parties to follow around sha dy characters. It might involve field work, but there are also many positions in analysis, STEM and support.If youre based in the US, the CIA website offers a helpful breakdown of job categories.While there are foreign language roles that focus predominantly on language skills, these skills are useful for any intelligence position. Most CIA positions require a minimum of a bachelors degree and a strong GPA and necessary skills often include analytical abilities. Each individual position also has additional education and experience requirements, so if this is a field youre interested in, it will be beneficial to look at specific job requirements before proceeding.The U.S. has identified a number of languages that are particularly needed for national security, so you might consider studying these critical languages  if youre looking for a position in intelligence.Pay grades vary by rank and position, but salaries start around $50,000 and go up to over $100,000.The existential dread of working a lackluster job doesnt have to last forever. With the right language skills, you can get your foot in the door of that dream job! And One More ThingYou can start training for your dream job with FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that real people speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos, like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse ScreenFluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover over or tap on the subtitles to instantly view definitions.FluentU Interactive TranscriptsYou can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs quiz mode. Swipe left or right to see  more ex amples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.

Tutoring and Test Scores Assessing Improvement

Tutoring and Test Scores Assessing Improvement Tips From an Irvine Private Academic Tutor: Assessing Improvement in Test Scores Tips From an Irvine Private Academic Tutor: Assessing Improvement in Test Scores One of the biggest issues parents worry about is if their child’s tutor will be a good personality fit. Some children will need a nurturing tutor while others will need somebody who can provide more structure. Most parents who hire a private Orange County tutor who quickly responds to their children in a positive way will be very happy. However, what happens when the next set of grades or test scores come out and there isnt any improvement? 1.  Test scores are different from actual learning Learning material and absorbing information is different than being able to demonstrate knowledge on a test. Younger children, especially in elementary school, will take any number of short quizzes or longer exams that are generally meant to genuinely test the childs knowledge. However, standardized testing (which is starting much younger these days) is entirely different and something the classroom teacher has absolutely no control over. If the child is performing poorly on standardized exams but there is an improvement in homework grades and general concentration, the issue is probably with test prep. In this situation, parents should sit down with their Orange County tutor and ask if they can integrate test prep into the sessions. In order for a tutor to do this they will need some information about the type of standardized exams being given. The parent should try and provide a copy of the specific test that was given and graded by the classroom teacher so the tutor can spend some time reviewing the material. On the other hand, if the child is performing poorly on short quizzes written by the teacher, the parent may have to dig further to evaluate the issue. Although standardized test prep is a subject in and of itself, basic short quizzes should not be as difficult. A discussion with the classroom teacher will be helpful to identify if the issue is the subject matter, concentration, or something in the classroom environment (READ: ACT Tips From a Private Irvine Tutor). 2. Communicate with the tutor about the specifics of the session If the sessions are going well but test scores are still low, parents are advised to have a conversation with the tutor about what they covered in the session. Some parents provide specific topics that they would like the tutor to cover (often based on advice from a classroom teacher) while others ask the tutor to take responsibility for the material. If this is the case, its possible that the tutor is doing a great job covering geometry when the classroom teacher has since moved on to algebra. Communicating with a tutor about whats going on in the classroom is the key to keeping sessions fruitful (READ: 10 Study Tips from an Irvine History Tutor). 3. Still not working? If the parent has worked with the Irvine private academic tutor, their child, and the classroom teacher to get on the same page but there is still no improvement, alternate arrangements should be considered. This is a tough scenario with no right or wrong solution. It may be time to switch to a new tutor, but this is challenging if the child already has a good rapport with their current tutor. The first thing that parents should think about is how long the child has been with their tutor. If tutoring started less than two months ago, it may not even be enough time for the child to have fully learned new concepts. In this case its recommended that parents continue to be in communication with both the tutor and classroom teacher to stay organized and wait until the end of the semester. However, if a full semester (three months or more) has passed and there has been no improvement, a new tutor may be needed. If parents are concerned about the transition, they might start by hiring a second tutor and have them work simultaneously. For example, if the child was working with their tutor four hours a week, the student can continue to work for two hours a week but work with a different tutor for the other two hours during the adjustment period (READ: 5 Reasons to take a Practice Test Before taking the AP Exam). In short Success in supplemental education can be just as tricky as in the classroom environment. The important thing is that the student has the opportunity to improve and that they have a good rapport with their tutor. At the end of the day, tutors want their students to learn whether its with them or somebody else. However, without communication and organization, parents often find that tutoring progresses much slower than they would like. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

An Electrochemical Reduction Of Chemical Compounds

An Electrochemical Reduction Of Chemical CompoundsAn electron configuration has a unique properties of its own. It can have different configurations, which helps in the reduction and production of different chemical products. The reduction can be of one type or of another.There are different types of oxidation of the chemical production process that can be used for different purposes. Oxidation is the act of reducing the substance, which is a chemical compound, so that it can be easily converted into a product. This is where the electrons will be removed from the chemical product. The main method used in this reduction is electrolysis.An electron configuration has four basic configurations; the bonding, non-bonding, dipole-dipole configuration. A bonding configuration contains three bonding electrons. On the other hand, the non-bonding configurations have only two bonding electrons. These configurations are called, uncharged and charged configurations. In uncharged configuration, the re is no hydrogen bonding between the electrons and it is called, ionic bonding.In the non-bonding configuration, there is also an uncharged configuration but there is a hydrogen bonding. In this configuration, the electrons have to work hard to split the molecule. However, the atoms of the molecule have a strong attraction to one another. Thus, it causes a chain reaction. The chain reaction is called, electrocyclization.In the dipole-dipole configuration, there is also an uncharged configuration, but it has two polar atoms. The polar atoms are of different kinds. Two kinds of polar atoms are the carbons and the rings. The carbon and the rings form two different configurations. These two configurations are used for the reduction process.In the uncharged configuration, there is no hydrogen bonding, however, the atoms of the molecule is composed of the carbons. However, there is a bond that causes a reduction, in the non-bonding configuration. But, there is no hydrogen bonding in the electrons are produced. So, there is no reduction. The electrons are not produced.Some studies conducted show that both the configurations are useful in the process of electron configuration. There are many advantages of such a process, which helps in the reduction of the compound. These processes are found in different laboratories.